Pocket Springs and Latex

Pocket Springs with Latex or Memory Foam
Small springs that work independently from each other that will
conform and adjust to body contours helping to eliminate roll together.
Spring counts typically range from 1000 up to 30,000 and come available in soft, medium or firm tensions. Some mattresses can also be supplied with different tensions of spring within the same mattress to accommodate couples who require different feels.
Pocket Springs are often more expensive and used mainly in higher quality products.
Better quality pocket springs are encased in calico pockets, hand nested in a honeycomb pattern and centre tied with linen cord.
Which is better in a mattress, memory foam or latex foam? Here we look at some pros and cons.
Both types of mattress conform well to your body shape and offer good support, especially for hips and shoulders if you sleep on your side – although memory foam is known for its excellent pressure relief. Memory foam responds and recovers slowly whereas latex foam responds and recovers immediately, making it quite bouncy – although bounce helps you to turn over in your sleep.
Latex foam has an open cell structure keeping it cool fresh and breathable, whereas memory foam has a closed cell structure making it less breathable and a bit warmer to sleep on although many manufactures have introduced methods to combat the heat using new technology like heat absorbent crystals.
Latex foam is durable and resilient but can be expensive and heavy to move.
Both materials are good at reducing partner disturbance when you move, great if you’re a wriggler. Both are quiet in use so no squeaky springs to keep you or the neighbours awake.
Whichever you choose make sure it’s right for you

